Partners to the Trojan Educational Foundation
Thank you to each and every one of our donors who has donated towards the TEF.
Without your support, we could not meet the needs of our students.
- Bob and Carol Stine
- Craig and Suzanne Smeltz
- Evan Williams
- Holly Miller
- Joanne Hoover
- John Schwalm
- Ted and Ann Bonwit
- Tom and Mary Troutman
- American Legion
- Atland Chiropractic
- Community Life Team
- Crystal’s Signature Styles
Bronze Donors have donated over $500 towards the TEF
- EIO Recommendation
- Elizabethville Bicentennial Organization
- Mid Penn Bank
- The Gratz Bank
- The Nutrition Group
Silver Donors have donated over $2,500 towards the TEF
Gold Donors have donated over $5,000 towards the TEF
- Carol DeSoto
- Matt DeSoto
- Chicago Community Trust Foundation
- MI Charitable Foundation