Tax Information

2024 Tax Exoneration Form
The Upper Dauphin Area School District receives tax revenue from real estate taxes, occupation taxes, per capita taxes and earned income taxes.
Real estate taxes are calculated based on the property’s assessed value established by the county multiplied by the millage rate approved annually by the School Board. Bills are mailed annually on July 1st and must be paid by December 31st. Residents that have established escrow accounts with their mortgage company are responsible for ensuring that their taxes are paid by the December 31st due date.
Residents who make improvements to their property will receive an interim real estate tax bill if the improvements result in a higher assessed amount. This bill will be prorated. These bills are mailed March 1st and August 1st. The Assessors Office receives copies of all municipal building permits and will determine the revised assessed value after the work is completed.
Keystone Collections Group has a phone line dedicated exclusively to taxpayer inquiries during the tax filing season: 1-866-539-1100. A Taxpayer Helpline Flyer is also available to assist residents in contacting Keystone.
All persons 18 years of age or older by July 1, 2024 are liable for the two $5.00 ($10.00) school per capita taxes and any borough or township per capita and resident taxes that appear on the tax notice.
All persons 18 years of age or older by July 1, 2024 who have an annual earned income from gainful employment of $3,000 or more for the current calendar year (January 1, 2024 – December 1, 2024) are liable for the occupation tax of 100% as based on the assessment of $250.
2023 Tax Exoneration Form
Exoneration Reasons
Retired persons, housewives and other persons who have less than $3,000 annual earned income from gainful employment are not liable for the occupation tax. Pensions, social security, dividends, interest, etc. are not included as earned income from gainful employment.
If a spouse or dependent over the age of 18 assists in the operation or management of a farm or business, then he/she shall be considered to have an occupation subject to the occupation tax. The income threshold for exoneration under this clause will be determined by multiplying $3,000 by the number of owner/operators of the farm or business.
High School Students
A high school student who is 18 years of age or older by July 1, 2023 and who graduates from high school in 2023, is not required to pay the occupation tax for 2023, provided s/he earns less than $6,000.00 for the calendar year 2023. The high school student is, however, responsible for the two (2) $5.00 (total of $10.00) school per capita taxes and any borough or township per capita and resident taxes that appear on the 2023 Personal Tax Notice. An application for exoneration must be submitted.
Full-Time College Student
A full-time college student enrolled in an undergraduate course of study is not required to pay the occupation tax for a maximum of eight (8) consecutive semesters of enrollment, beginning the calendar year after graduation from high school (a maximum of four (4) calendar years following the year of graduation from high school) provided s/he earns less than $6,000.00. A full-time college student may not enroll during one (1) of these eight (8) semesters, skip a semester and still maintain eligibility for tax exoneration. An application for exoneration must be filed each year, together with proof of enrollment and the number of credits taken for the semester(s) of the calendar year in which he/she is applying for exoneration. If the student is determined to be ineligible for tax exoneration during this eight (8) semester period, s/he will be responsible for the occupation tax from that calendar year forward.
Application for exoneration may be obtained from the local tax collectors or the school administration office and must be filed by February 29, 2024. Decisions on these applications will be made no later than the March 2024 meeting of the School Board. If the applicant does not qualify for exoneration, s/he will pay the tax plus penalty. All statements of earned income will be subject to audit, or proof of qualification for exoneration, the most recent W-2’s, tax returns filed and similar items will be considered.
There will be a $40 charge (cash or money order only) for any exoneration form received after February 29, 2024.
UDASD Tax Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I pay my taxes?
Residents of Berrysburg Borough, Gratz Borough, Lykens Borough, and Pillow Borough must pay their taxes to the Dauphin County Treasurer. Address available on Tax Collectors page.
Elizabethville Borough, Jefferson Township, Lykens Township, Mifflin Township, and Washington Township each have their own tax collector, and residents of those townships must pay the collector of that township. Names and addresses available on the Tax Collectors page.
Tax payments cannot be accepted at the school district.
What is the deadline for tax exoneration applications?
Applications for exonerations for the current tax year have an absolute deadline of February 29th of the next year (e.g. for 2023 tax year the deadline is February 29th, 2024). However, applications for exoneration can be turned in at any time during the tax year. After February 29th there is a $40.00 late fee. Cash or money order only. Money order made payable to Upper Dauphin Area School District.
I think that I may be eligible for exoneration from occupational taxes for previous tax years.
You may apply for exoneration from occupational taxes for up to three (3) years previous to the current year (e.g. if it is 2023, you can go back as far as 2020). Exoneration applications for previous years are available in the district administration office. Note that all district residents over the age of 18 are still required to pay per capita taxes regardless of status.
I received a delinquent tax notice from JP Harris, must I pay the amounts listed on the bill?
All persons over the age of 18 are responsible for paying per capita (PC) taxes. If PC amounts are listed, you must pay them.
If occupational taxes (OCC) are listed, you may be eligible for exoneration if you are disabled, did not work, or retired during that tax year. You will need to call the school district tax office for assistance at 717-362-6554.
I received a delinquent tax notice from Keystone Collections for delinquent real estate taxes and I have questions.
Call the number listed on the tax notice and Keystone Collections will assist you. All property owners in the district are responsible for paying real estate taxes.
Municipality | Name | Address | City | Zip | Phone Number |
Berrysburg Borough | C/O Dauphin County Vince Paese, Treasurer's Office | Courthouse Room 105 101 Market Street | Harrisburg | 17101-2078 | (717) 780-6550 |
Elizabethville Borough | Marilyn Henninger | 87 East Broad Street PO Box 329 | Elizabethville | 17023 | (717) 362-8355 |
Gratz Borough | C/O Dauphin County Vince Paese, Treasurer's Office | Courthouse Room 105 101 Market Street | Harrisburg | 17101-2078 | (717) 780-6550 |
Jefferson Township | Brenda Osman | 193 Turkey Ridge Rd | Halifax | 17032 | (717) 362-3028 |
Lykens Borough | C/O Dauphin County Vince Paese, Treasurer's Officee | Courthouse Room 105 101 Market Street | Harrisburg | 17101-2078 | (717) 780-6550 |
Lykens Township | Harry Welker | 146 Coon Trail Lane | Gratz | 17030 | (717) 365-3188 |
Mifflin Township | Wanda Hockenberry | 175 Weaver Rd | Millersburg | 17061 | (717) 692-2256 |
Pillow Borough | C/O Dauphin County Vince Paese, Treasurer's Office | Courthouse Room 105 101 Market St | Harrisburg | 17101-2078 | (717) 780-6550 |
Washington Township | Lori Brown | 1101 W Matterstown Rd PO Box 931 | Millersburg | 17061 | (717) 836-8951 |