The Upper Dauphin Area School District is comprised of Berrysburg Borough, Elizabethville Borough, Gratz Borough, Jefferson Township, Lykens Borough, Lykens Township, Mifflin Township, Pillow Borough, and Washington Township. It is situated in the northeastern section of Dauphin County. It is located thirty miles north of Harrisburg in the center of outdoor enjoyment such as hunting, fishing, skiing, ice skating, swimming, camping, boating, and many others. The School District is easily accessible to major highways: 20 minutes from Interstate Route 81; 30 minutes from Route 322; 40 minutes from Route 22; 50 minutes from the Pennsylvania Turnpike and is less than 45 minutes from downtown Harrisburg.
Governance & Enrollment
The Upper Dauphin Area School District is governed by a nine member Board of School Directors, elected for four-year terms. The Superintendent is the chief administrative officer of the School District, with overall responsibility for all aspects of operations, including education and finance. The Superintendent leads an Administration Team that includes the Business Manager, Athletic Director & Safety and Security Coordinator, Director of Special Education and Student Services, Elementary School Principal, Middle School Principal and High School Principal.
District Statements
District Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower our students to be lifelong learners in order to reach their greatest potential.
Elementary School Mission Statement: Through a combined effort of faculty, staff, parents, and community, the mission of the Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School is to provide a safe, supportive and respectful environment in which all students are challenged to reach their fullest potential.
Middle School Mission Statement: To provide a safe learning environment for students, to encourage them to settle for nothing less than their best, and to build character that will lay the foundation upon which they will build their futures.
High School Mission Statement: To empower students to use critical and creative thinking in order to pursue excellence and a love of learning and to become productive citizens.
Vision Statement: In keeping with our mission, a learning partnership comprised of staff, families, and the community at large will promote a collaborative spirit in a safe and secure environment to support the education of the whole child. In order to achieve these goals, we will make a commitment to:
- Provide a challenging curriculum with effective teaching;
- Promote a culture of respect which values diversity;
- Empower our students to develop personal integrity and accountability.
Shared Values: We believe:
- Our students are our purpose.
- Our district focuses on our students and recognizes that each person has the ability to learn.
- Our students are entitled to a safe, caring, learning environment.
- All students want to succeed in some way and want to feel good about themselves.
- All students should have the opportunity to learn using the most current material and technology available, in order to compete with the rest of the world.
- All students should be encouraged to discuss their ideas and the ideas of others in the classroom instead of just rote memorization of facts.
- The advancement of society depends on the development of individual talents, and that each student should be given the opportunity and resources to develop his/her talents to the utmost of their potential.
- Our learning environment develops values of service, pride, excellence, and integrity.
- Our students are encouraged to contribute to the community.
- Our district strives for pride, excellence, and integrity.
- Our heritage provides a foundation for good citizenship.
- The role of all in the school community is to work cooperatively to support the needs of the students.
- The partnership among the home, the school district, and the community has a direct correlation to the quality of the educational system and the experience of each student.
- Every human has intrinsic value and unique gifts and talents.
- Character counts and that honesty and integrity are essential to healthy relationships.
- Schools are places to help all students develop and enhance their self-worth.
- Students of today will live in a profoundly different future and we must address new challenges.
- Global citizens require competencies in problem-solving, communication skills, technology, and teamwork.
- Learning occurs within the entire school community when: (1) all who enter feel physically and emotionally safe and secure; and, (2) healthy minds and bodies are valued and encouraged.
- Individuals are responsible for their choices and actions.
- The family is the foundation for a successful community.
School District Census
According to the Pennsylvania School Code of 1949, Sec 1351, every school district in the state is required to conduct an annual census. Since 2012, the Upper Dauphin Area School District (UDASD) has implemented a formal census by mail. Letters are mailed to every mailing address and residence within our jurisdiction. Residents are instructed to complete the census form (including any changes) and return to the UDASD.
The Upper Dauphin Area School District contracts with J.P. Harris Associates LLC to collect information from any and all residents who have not returned their census forms. J.P. Harris Associates will attempt to obtain census information from those residents in a timely manner. The PA State Police have been informed that J.P. Harris census takers will be in the communities within the UDASD.
Completing census forms and returning them in a timely manner will ensure that census takers do not have to visit your home.
United States Census
The United States Census Bureau conducts a formal census every 10 years. Information for the United States Census related specifically to Dauphin County, PA may be found on the U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts Web Site. Information about specific communities within the Upper Dauphin Area School District may be found on the U.S. Census Bureau Web Site.
School Performance Profile
The Pennsylvania School Performance Profile (SPP) is an integral part of the Educator Effectiveness System (teacher and principal evaluation). As an online site, the SPP provides a school level academic score for public schools, charter and cyber charter schools, and full-time comprehensive career and technical centers.
The PA School Performance Profile is designed to serve several purposes:
— Provide a building level score for educators as part of the Educator Effectiveness System
— Provide parents with performance measures for the school of residence, neighboring schools, and schools across the state
— Inform the public of the academic performance measures of each district, school, comprehensive career and technical center, cyber charter and charter school in Pennsylvania.
— Provide a tool to inform goal setting, planning, and resource allocation to improve student achievement.