The Upper Dauphin School District (UDASD) maintains two primary campuses-one in Loyalton, PA and one in Elizabethville, PA. Both campuses reside in Washington Township, Dauphin County. The UDASD uses a committee to manage planning efforts for building and grounds projects. The committee maintains a Facilities Plan and makes recommendations regarding associated capital funding to the School Board.
The Elizabethville Campus contains the Upper Dauphin Area High School as well as Trojan Stadium, two softball fields and practice fields for football and baseball. In addition, the Elizabethville Campus has a public tennis court.
The Loyalton Campus contains the Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School, Upper Dauphin Area Middle School and the District Administration Office. The campus also contains three playgrounds, a walking trail and substantial outdoor space.
In addition to the primary campuses, the UDASD also owns a properties on which its Building Trades program is constructing a home that will eventually be sold to the public as well as a home that will be flipped as part of the course.
The UDASD rents the Elizabethville Borough Baseball Field and maintains the property throughout the entire year.
Facility Usage:
The UDASD allows its buildings and property to be used by staff and outside organizations when not in use by the District for its own programs. Persons and organizations using UDASD facilities must meet certain requirements set by policy and abide by those policies while using the facilities. To request use of UDASD facilities, you can complete an Online Request for Facilities Usage.
Staff members may submit requests for maintenance as needed within the buildings and on the grounds operated by the UDASD.
If there is a maintenance need in the school, please submit an online maintenance request.