Student Wellness Programs
The Upper Dauphin Area School District (UDASD) takes student wellness seriously. As such, the UDASD uses its wellness policy 246 as its guiding document for maintaining the physical wellness of its students. The UDASD has a Wellness Committee that periodically meets to discuss matters affecting student wellness policies, protocols and projects.
Student Wellness Committee
The Upper Dauphin Area School District’s Wellness Committee meets periodically to discuss matters of importance related to student wellness. The UDASD Wellness Committee is made up of the following individuals:
Rian Schaffner, Wellness Teacher
Brian Hoover, Wellness Teacher
Kerry Peck, Wellness Teacher
Anthony Weaver, Wellness Teacher
Mills Eure, School Board Representative
Jared Shade, Superintendent
Amie Savidge, Business Manager
Brent Bell, Athletic Director
Kristin Zigner, School Nurse
Food Service Director, Nutrition Group