The Upper Dauphin Area Middle School provides the following courses for its students:
5th grade core course descriptions
5th grade specials course descriptions
6th grade core course descriptions
6th grade specials course descriptions
7th grade core course descriptions
7th grade specials course descriptions
8th grade core course descriptions
8th grade specials course descriptions
English/Language Arts:
Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School provides children with a balanced literacy approach. Children will have whole group lessons daily based on literacy standards for their grade level. They will also receive small group guided reading instruction daily on their instructional reading level. In addition to whole group and guided reading instruction, children will also be broken into groups based on a variety of data points for MTSS which will provide them with remediation or enrichment based on skill deficits or strengths.
Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School provides math instruction based on the PA Common Core Math Standards. We use “My Math” as our instructional tool to deliver this instruction. Students take part in whole group instruction (I Do), guided practice (We Do) and independent practice (You Do) daily. Students that are above grade level in math and have already proven mastery of skills will be given opportunities for enrichment through a variety of methods. Students that are struggling with skills are provided small group and/or individual support during the independent practice portion of the lesson.
Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School utilizes a hands on approach to Science instruction. We utilize the FOSS Science curriculum and base our pacing and instruction on the Science Standards.
Social Studies:
Social Studies instruction is provided using a variety of resources based on district scope and sequence and team planning.
Enrichment/Special Area:
Students in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade receive the following enrichment classes once per cycle:
• Music
• Art
• Physical Eduction & Health
• Library
• STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics)/Technology/Computer Class
• Guidance
Additional Music Opportunities:
• Recorder – 3rd grade
• Band (lessons and whole band practice) – 4th grade
• Chorus – 3rd and 4th grade
Please contact the Principal of your child’s school about online learning options. Course catalogs can be found under Trojan Virtual Academy.
Upper Dauphin Area School District strives to provide a challenging environment where students can enjoy learning. All members of the whole school community recognize the value of hard work and take pride in putting forth their best efforts each and every day. These values are reflective of those held by the people of our rural, agricultural community. The mission of our district is to empower our students to be lifelong learners in order to reach their greatest potential. As part of this quest we offer our students a wide range of educational and extracurricular activities designed to prepare them for future employment, further education, and active citizenship. UDA’s dedicated and enthusiastic staff, in partnership with parents and community and business groups, is committed to the belief that “students are our purpose.”
Upper Dauphin Area Schools offer a comprehensive curriculum aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Academic Standards. In the elementary school, we provide all students with a curriculum designed to create a foundation for future learning and instill good character. In the middle school, we expand those efforts, including an expansion of character education. In both the elementary and middle schools, through guidance small group and large group activities and individual counseling, we introduce students to the various career paths that will open to them as they continue their schooling. In the high school, we offer students a comprehensive academic program, including character education, advanced placement classes, dual enrollment for college credit, and vocational programs in agriculture and construction trades. Through guidance and through the senior projects process, including college and career fairs, we offer aid and assistance to students to chart their course in the post-secondary world. Through project-based learning experiences often reflected in senior projects, students have opportunities for research and experimentation marrying pure and applied academics and sciences for a truly unique “capstone” experience.
The Upper Dauphin Area School District follows a cycle to continually refine its curriculum and keep it up to date.
Cycle A: ELA and Math, APE Review
Cycle B: ELE, Math and Biology
Cycle C: Sciences
Cycle D: Technology, Business
Cycle E: Arts, Health and Physical Education
Cycle F: Social Sciences, Vocational Education
Teachers within the UDASD are given time to meet, analyze the curricula, consult SAS and then plan from the standard forward.