The Upper Dauphin Area School District is a full member of the Tri-Valley Athletic Association. Trojan sports teams participate in the Tri-Valley Athletic Association (Tri-Valley League) in the following sports:
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Golf (Cooperative Sports Program with MASD)
- Soccer (Cooperative Sports Program with MASD)
- Softball
- Track and Field (Cooperative Sports Program with MASD)
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
Upper Dauphin Area participates in the Mid Penn Conference as an associate member in the sport of football.
All Upper Dauphin Area School District athletic teams compete in District III of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA). In addition to the District’s rules, regulations and policies all sports teams must also abide by the rules, regulations and procedures of the PIAA. More information about the PIAA may be found at www.piaa.org. The district and state playoff systems are also governed by the PIAA.
In each sport, Upper Dauphin Area’s athletic teams are assigned to a “class” system (see PIAA Classifications) based on the size of the student population within the high school. The number of boys in the school is used to determine the class for boys’ sports and the number of girls in the school is used to determine the class for girls’ sports. Consequently, the class for each sport can change each two year cycle as the school population changes. The impact of moving up to the next class usually means more challenging competition because the schools in that class have more students to participate within their athletics program. In sports participating in the Cooperative Sports Program, the UDASD enrollment numbers plus half of the Millersburg Area School District enrollment numbers are used to determine the classification.