The performance enhancement program at Upper Dauphin Area is a combination of off-season, pre-season and in-season training geared towards enhancing the strength, power, lean muscle mass, flexibility, speed, agility and endurance of its athletes. The methods employed for this are dependent on the sport.
The Performance Enhancement Center is a resource that is available for all participants. The Athletics Department strongly encourages all participants to utilize this facility.
An approved coach/advisor will be in the Performance Enhancement Center during specific times after school. Coaches may also take their entire team, or a portion thereof, in the Performance Enhancement Center for workouts during their practice sessions or voluntary workouts. No participant may use the Performance Enhancement Center without supervision.
Participants are encouraged to utilize the Performance Enhancement Center year-round on a voluntary basis. However, participants and parents/guardians must realize that athletic eligibility rules also apply to use of the Performance Enhancement Center outside of the normal school day. Any participant that is ineligible may not use the Performance Enhancement with the exception of during physical education/wellness classes.
Rules for the Performance Enhancement Center will be established and posted within the center.
The use of anabolic steroids by any participant is not allowed within the Upper Dauphin Area School District. The philosophy of the Athletics Department is that any gains made by participants must be done using dedicated effort, adherence to the program provided and proper nutrition. Use of anabolic steroids puts athletes at significant risk and will not be tolerated within our programs. The only exception to this is when the steroids are medically prescribed as part of the recovery or rehabilitation from an injury or illness.
Some participants take some form of nutritional supplements as part of their workouts. These nutritional supplements may provide an acceptable way for participants to get enough nutrients into their diets. However, parents of participants wishing to use nutritional supplements should investigate these substances prior to use. Not all supplements are the same and parents should be very wary of nutritional supplements that promise significant gains in a short amount of time. Making gains in strength and lean body mass takes time and any product that states otherwise should be avoided. It should also be noted that any supplements that contains Creatine should not be used without discussing first with the child’s physician. Questions about adding lean body mass or use of nutritional supplements may be directed to the Athletic Trainer or Athletic Director.
Proper nutrition is extremely important to maintaining athletic performance and the general health of student-athletes. The field of sports nutrition is evolving. It is recommended that parents discuss sports nutrition with their child’s physician during well-child visits.