The Upper Dauphin Area School District has a spectator conduct policy that governs parent and fan behavior at school events. Policy 904.1 Public Conduct at School Events contains the rules related to spectator conduct. School Administrators, Game Officials and Game Management have final discretion about whether an individual will be ejected from an event due to behavior which threatens the safety of event participants, becomes disruptive to the event and/or is in violation of Upper Dauphin Area School District policies.
Special rules apply for District III and PIAA Playoff Events. The game management of each playoff location as well as the game officials have final say over the conduct at playoff events.
In general, the following special rules apply:
- Banners, hand held signs, or noisemakers of any type are not permitted at District III events.
- Menacing actions and gestures toward opposing players or officials will not be tolerated.
- PIAA Outdoor Events Decorum Policy
“PIAA requires all registered sports’ officials to enforce the sportsmanship rules for coaches and contestants. Actions meant to demean opposing contestants, teams, spectators and officials are not in the highest ideals of interscholastic education and will not be tolerated.”