5668 State Route 209
………..Lykens, PA 17048
  Phone: 717-362-4511
  Fax: 717-362-0988
  Principal: Nicole Czaplicki

School Hours:
8:00 AM to 2:45 PM
Early Dismissal: 11:30 AM

Office Hours:
7:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Welcome to UDAES!

Through a combined effort of faculty, staff, parents, and community, the mission of the Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School is to provide a safe, supportive and respectful environment in which all students are challenged to reach their fullest potential.

The Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School (UDAES) serves students in Kindergarten through 4th Grade.

The UDA ES teachers and staff are passionate about empowering students to become lifelong learners, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character traits necessary to succeed in today’s world. In the role of principal, I am excited to lead initiatives that will foster a positive climate for teachers, staff, students, and families.  As a former alumni, educator, and a parent in this district, I am deeply invested in the success of our students.

I firmly believe that our students learn and thrive best when education is a collaborative partnership between school and home.  Together, we can provide a safe, supportive, and respectful environment in which all students are challenged to reach their fullest potential.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, ideas, or concerns you may have.

Mrs. Nicole Czaplicki
UDAES Principal


Kindergarten through 4th Grade

English/Language Arts:

Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School implements a structured literacy approach to support our students. Daily whole-group lessons align with literacy standards for each grade level, ensuring systematic instruction. Additionally, students receive small-group instruction, focusing on explicit, direct teaching of foundational skills. Using data from multiple sources, students are grouped for MTSS interventions, receiving targeted remediation or enrichment based on their specific skill needs. This approach ensures that all students develop strong literacy foundations through explicit, systematic, and evidence-based instruction.


Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School provides math instruction based on the PA Common Core Math Standards. We use “My Math” as our instructional tool to deliver this instruction. Students take part in whole group instruction (I Do), guided practice (We Do) and independent practice (You Do) daily. Students that are above grade level in math and have already proven mastery of skills will be given opportunities for enrichment through a variety of methods. Students that are struggling with skills are provided small group and/or individual support during the independent practice portion of the lesson.


Upper Dauphin Area Elementary School utilizes a hands on approach to Science instruction. We utilize the FOSS Science curriculum and base our pacing and instruction on the PA Science, Technology & Engineering, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (STEELS) Standards.

Social Studies:

Social Studies instruction is provided using a variety of resources based on district scope and sequence and team planning.

Enrichment/Special Area:

Students in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade receive the following enrichment classes once per cycle:
• Music
• Art
• Physical Eduction & Health
• Library
• STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics)/Technology/Computer Class
• Guidance

Additional Music Opportunities:

• Recorder – 3rd grade
• Band (lessons and whole band practice) – 4th grade
• Chorus – 3rd and 4th grade
